Donations to Leo Rescue Canada
Please Consider a Donation
Since all costs associated with acquiring, caring for and
rehoming the dogs are covered by Leo Rescue Canada,
without the help of our generous supporters and volunteers,
we would not be able to do the work we do.
Any and all donations are greatly appreciated !
Monetary Donation
Leo Rescue Canada is a registered Canadian charity (Registration Number 81336 8685 RR0001).
If you would like to make a monetary donation, you may safely donate through Canada Helps
For Donations of $10 or more, you will receive an instant tax receipt.

If you prefer to make your donation by mail, please print off the donation form from one of the two options
below and mail your cheque or money order, payable to "Leo Rescue Canada" to:
Leo Rescue Canada
c/o 200 Balm Beach Rd. EAST
Tiny, Ontario, L0L 2J0
You can also donate through PayPal. Just click on the link. You will be mailed an official tax receipt for donations of $10.00 or more made through PayPal.
Other Types of Donations
If you would like to donate other items such as dog supplies, raffle prizes, etc., please email us at obtain a drop off address.
To donate your time in terms of fostering, transport or volunteering, please refer to our Want To Help page.